Sunday, November 29, 2009


It was nice doing this science fair. We did a Reflection in science class and hopefully get our results by next week.

By karan

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Science fair is over

The science fair is finaly over. we are finshed with the presentation and the long 2 hour evening.
But i am cind of desepointed because i did not get a award, i would realy have liked to have had a rewared.


science fair evening

Today it is the science fair eve I am really frustrated because someone accidentally knocked over our poster fell and now we have to fix it but the DT room won’t let us use hot glue gun. So my mom is driving home to get a hot glue gun. Karan tried to fix a broken hot glue gun and made it a lot better but it didn't work.



So today is science fair. We were one of the first people to finish our board. It is up and ready and people will come around 18:00 – 19:00. I want to thank everybody for their support. First we present then we will eat and receive the certificates. I know it will be a good night. My partner is really stressed out and I hope he will mange tonight.

Can’t wait


This will be one of our last posts

Monday, November 23, 2009

Science Fair on Wednesday

There is two days till science fair. I went to Georg’s house were we nearly completed the board. Today we will make our speech. Now we only need some pictures on the board

by karan


Today we are making the speech for the science fair. yesterday karan was at my house so we finished the board and made the shining title.


Friday, November 20, 2009


The graphs that Karan made were ok but i wanted some more fancy stuff like 3D and cylinder, stuff like that. So i made some new ones.


Board and final draft

Yesterday I were working on our board because karan wanted to see what i wrote the the final draft, the one i wrote the day before yesterday. I worked so hard and the people say that there are so many mistakes, (about ten in the final draft) and some people did not say it was my words. But i wrote it my self with no help and i am proud of that. My parents only read through i twice and hilighted mistakes so i could corect them myself.
Back to the board i pasted the sun that i made, on the board and i the procedure and the matirials and the variables and the diagran and the hypothasis.


Thursday, November 19, 2009


I am cutting out pieces for the poster and correcting the last things on our docs i will make some new fancy graphs in a moment or two.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We are making the board this week.

by Karan

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am not sick any more so i am sitting writing the rest half of the evaluation for the fair. I was just planing the lay out for the poster and were every thing should be.


Monday, November 9, 2009

SICK SICK, Lonely Science

We are 5 people in class today, Elizabeth, Noa, Emily, Marianne and me Karan. One of the people missing is Georg my science fair buddy. He is sick and trough up. So I did the conclusion and half the evaluation. he said he would complete half of the evaluation but I have to wait a bit more now.

By Karan

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yesterday I finished adding some details to a different diagram I made. Sitting at home and writing on the Google doc and listing to music, but I am a little stressed because the last weekend before the science fair evening i am in Norway. So we have to plane ahead. I think that we will be working on the two half days we have.

Eventually I chose Karan’s graph as it was better and made more sense and I give all the credit to Karan


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Graphs and more graphs

On the weekend we made graphs on the results from our experiment. Today we made graphs for our averages on our Google docs. It was an enjoyable time we spent on making the graphs.

By Karan and Georg

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Graph and Result table


Today I made the result table and graph. It took me some time to find out how to make it but eventually I found out.

By Karan

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Graphs and results

Today I will make the result tables and the graphs. I will post them on our Google docs later and I think we got some different results.

BY Karan

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Today we finished our experiment. It was really fun and we got our results. We where right because the ten solar panel group, at a short period of time it had the least volt even less than the one solar panel. The five all ways has the most amount of volt.

Georg and Karan  

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I did not get to write yesterday but now I am writing. Last class we set the experiment up for what we will work on tomorrow. I think that we are working well, and not falling behind because I made a model.


Monday, October 26, 2009

In class experiment first lesson

Right now we are having a double science class. I went to Mr. Bolton to get some multi meters whilst Georg is setting up a practice test. The practice test worked and if there is any sun next time we will do the test
By Karan

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I am making the experiment setup with the model. It is looking great, but when I was building one of the solar panels broke, so my mom is getting a new one when I am in school.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What to do?

Sorry I forgot to right yesterday, but now I am writing. I don’t know what to do because Mr. Kenen said that he has 16 solar panels, but now he says that he doesn’t have any solar panels. So we have to buy solar panels and all I know that there might be some in Nørport, close to Pandoro. So I think that we will bye them there.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Getting ready

Right now we are getting ready for the experiment. We really hope there is a lot of sun the day we do the experiment. We need all sorts of stuff such as wires, wood and solar panels etc. We really hope that the sun will be out.

By Karan

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I think that we have handled our problem really well. right now I am working on to setup for the experiment. and it is looking good, mostly because we mixed our designs together.



We are having a little problom with our solar experement. The school solar panels can only produse energy by the sun so we have to make the whole set-up for the experement. and put it in the sun for about 30 minites.


Monday, October 19, 2009

I just came home from the azores and the time is 12:00 o'clock in the night. I have been working on the science fair step by step in the autumn vacation. When I was in the flight I came up with this new idea of making one model but it is kind of a 3 in 1... 3 models in one.


Saturday, October 17, 2009



I have just written the Table of variables, Materials and Procedure. This was a little bit fun but I think I did a good job


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Yesterday in science we did not have that much time to work because we had the photos taken. But we planed out what we will work on in the autumn break. I will be designing and planning the setup for the experiment.

By Georg

In the break I have been writing our variables, materials and procedure.

By Karan


So I have finally completed the rough draft of our introduction. Writing the introduction was in fact a little bit fun.
BY Karan

Monday, October 5, 2009


At the start of this fair we wanted to do wind power. A little while later we changed our mind and chose to do solar power. This is due to another group was doing wind power and we felt the projects were too similar. We will do an experiment on amount of energy. 

first siecnce fair class

Now I am going to tell you about the first class. Miss. Duffy introduced the science fair. The first thing she said was that we have to update a blog every day. We had to choose a topic and if we want to work with a partner for the science fair. First I got kind of scared because we all ready had to finish the enclosure project. But when I found out that, that was really easy I just started to work on it. First I wanted to work with Ryan but when I thought about it, I found out that he will not work as much as I am going to. So I choose to work with Karan because he will work really hard.

By Georg

Welcome to our blog

This is a blog showing our science fair project which is about solar power. Every day we will try to update more information about what we are working on at the moment. This blog will include reports about our project and our findings.